Crowdfunding takes the form of donations, loans and investments. According to a study of the sector, the global crowdfunding market weighs about 13.35 billion dollars. It is not over, since we must expect an annual growth rate of 11.65% by 2027.
The operation
Crowdfunding is the use of a sum of money by a group of individuals using the Internet to finance a business. Social media and crowdfunding websites are ways to bring investors and entrepreneurs together to expand the pool of investors beyond the owners’ network.
The crypto-crowdfunding
The blockchain is therefore the simplest process to make an investment. To make a long story short, in a blockchain network, many transactions occur simultaneously and are grouped into a block. This process ensures better monitoring, as well as transparent and simplified management.
We find authentication tokens, including utility tokens that give participants access to a special product or service. Then, the security tokens represent a part of the company that was the subject of the fundraising. And finally, the Tokens give rights to society. Crypto-crowdfunding can take the form of ICO (initial coin offering). It involves raising funds through the issuance of digital assets exchanged for project funds.
Real estate crowdfunding
Real estate crowdfunding makes it possible to financially support construction or investment projects, using individuals. This type of investment boasts an interest rate of about 10%.
Crowdfunding based on awards
The crowdfunding trend can allow crowdfunding based on rewards. It involves raising seed and seed capital via an online platform. It offers investors an advantage because of their financial contribution.
It is an investment method that is within everyone’s reach and achievable in just a few clicks from any device. For example, Anaxago is a crowdfunding platform that connects companies that have financing needs with investors that have financing capacity.
So, crowdfunding allows you as an individual to enter into a philanthropic approach, to help projects that "have meaning" and heart throb, or else to reap benefits.

At KODD Group, we accompany you in the creation or optimization of your crowdfunding campaign. We are a new generation Media and Agency that promotes the know-how of actors from the fields of fashion, beauty and culture. Our motto is Discovery !